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Wisdom For a Better Life: Part One


Start from the heart


When in doubt, love


Love is undefeatable


Let’s look out for each other


The Four Corners of Wisdom:
Love without reason
Happiness without things
Joy without experience
Self without idea


Find yourself in the absence of information


You cannot let go if you do not know you are holding on


When we live ourselves as an idea there lies an ulterior motive in all our actions: To keep up the idea of self at all costs. But all ideas, without constant attention put on them, dissolve. Oh, what fear, then, for the person who must always be defending and selling and declaring themselves something in order to be!


In the absence of who you are not… there you are


Stand apart from thought and you will know your self as that which is not derived from information


The problem is not your situation, your circumstance, or you pain. It is your perception of your situation, your circumstance, and your pain.


You must tread water if you wish not to drown. The survival of the ego is no different, for the ego must continuously be involved in thought or it will cease to exist. Let it drown in silence.


Trying to be yourself is redundant, if not insane, for you already are, regardless of what is going on in your mind and body. But, by all means, continue dressing yourself up in labels and categories until you find the suitable limitation that you are looking for. Happy shopping!


The mind is a reference library, not a place where you find yourself


If you see the problem as complicated then you will need to find a complicated answer to solve it


Meaning is given to an object, it does not come from that object itself. Who, then, has made of their own Self an object and given meaning to it? Who has made of their Self, an idol? The Self that requires information is not the true Self.


Like a flame eating through parchment, truth will burn through ignorance


Do not waver in your decisions, but be open to change them the moment your decisions prove to be unwise


A spider’s web to you is harmless. A spider’s web to a fly is entangling. The ego to a fly is harmless. The ego to you is entangling


When we learned how to speak, we forgot how to listen


Enlightening conversation, no matter the subject, is never disturbing, no matter the volume. It is gossip, at even the slightest whisper, that disturbs


All shiny things dull


Love has no reasons for itself. Fear has plenty of them. Don’t confuse the two


The only question you need ask is: Who am I? Now, be still, and watch what happens


Waiting for the answer creates space. Struggling for the answer contracts space


The questions you ask will tell you more about yourself than the answers you receive


If you can face the Unknown long enough to lose your attachment to the Known, you will wake up from this dream


For the patient one, the answer finds them. For the anxious one, the answer eludes them

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